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Where are they now?

The great search is on, and time is growing short.
We have lists, and we have printouts. We've sent out thousands of invitations, and yet we still don't know where some of you are.

  Do you know where we can contact:

Posted March 6, 2000:

Dan Arthrell
Les Bechtol
David Bell
M. Birch
C. Bliss
John Casey
Ro Chaman
I. Clutch
James Cross
Fran Deacon
Sue Duby
Kathy Dutnez
Jenny Eddy
Kay Fredricksonm
Barb Fuller
Jim Gillet
C. Halvey
B. Hancock
Jim Hunnel
Doug Johnson
Judy Kavcar
R. Kukling
Tonui Kuman
Doug Johnston
E. Johnson
Sheldon Lutsky
Kass McClasky
Dick Markovich
Paul Meeks
O. Pallagi
Carla Pasteri
Lisa Raimondi
L. Roberts
Pat Robinson
J. Scobe
Eileen Shannon
Kevin Shawn
J. Stewart
Mary Swander
D. Trawben

If you know how to contact any of these folks, please email: webmaster@jmc-reunion2000.freeservers.com

Some are in journalism, some on the web, some on the airwaves and some in education. But where are the missing?